3rd Prep – 4th Prep

1. Each subject has a specific amount of credits, according to the number of class hours per week in which it is taught.

2. The system uses a formula we call GPA Saint George to calculate the GPA (grade point average) per Marking Period. The system rounds the first two digits after the decimal point.

3. Awards by grade sections (classrooms): during the end of year Assembly a medal and certificate are awarded to those students who obtain the highest GPA (grade point average) in their section, and pins and certificates to those who obtain the 2nd and 3rd highest GPA in their section.

4. School scholarship for 3rd and 4th grade: Scholarships are awarded during the end of year Assembly to those students who obtain the highest GPA (grade point average). These students receive the medal for Highest GPA mentioned above in point number 3, as well as a Diploma.