For approximately four decades, Saint George has recognized the value of its meritorious students through its scholarship program. At the end of each school year, those students who obtain the highest grade point average of their grade level, from 3rd  to 11th  grade, receive this award; eight scholarships are conferred annually. To be a recipient of one of these scholarships is of great pride for students and their parents. It provides the school great satisfaction to bestow these scholarships as they represent not only an achievement for the distinguished students, but also for the teachers who have the responsibility of providing instruction and guidance to them.

Students achieve high academic standards not solely because of their skills and abilities, but most importantly because of their dedication and responsibility to their education. A resource has no value if we do not utilize it properly; those students who reach their academic goals set their minds to it, as success is not accidental but the result of hard work and effort. Responsibility, discipline, order and perseverance are characteristics of successful people. Saint George promotes these traits not only for our students’ path through school, but more so for their future as university students and professionals.