Saint George School provides a challenging and comprehensive multilingual values based education within a disciplined and respectful learning environment, empowering all learners to reach their maximum academic and personal potential.


A multicultural school community which through an international education will form continuous learners committed to making significant contributions to society by exemplifying core human values, disciplined work ethic and the ability to adjust to change.


At Saint George, we instill a system of values that rests upon three major pillars: academics, global diversity, and environmental awareness.

Throughout daily school activities we promote integrity, self-discipline, responsibility, and order in a stimulating and challenging learning environment in which students learn and apply skills and knowledge to analyze and interpret life problems and their possible solutions. Best international educational practices maximize the development of each student’s individual potential, leadership, communication skills, and ability for teamwork.

Respect for cultural diversity and awareness of global issues and environmental conservation complement the educational process to form well rounded individuals who procure the well-being of their community as well as their own.

“Our school is only a reflection of all the wonderful people who, throughout the years, have walked its halls and played in its grounds.”

Maureen Tejeda